La Casa Batlló es un edificio obra del arquitecto Antoni Gaudí, máximo representante del modernismo catalán. Se trata de una remodelación integral de un edificio previamente existente en el solar, obra de Emili Sala Cortés. La construcción se realizó entre los años 1904 y 1906.
La Casa Batlló es un reflejo de la plenitud artística de Gaudí: pertenece a su etapa naturalista (primera década del siglo XX), periodo en que el arquitecto perfecciona su estilo personal, inspirándose en las formas orgánicas de la naturaleza, para lo que puso en práctica toda una serie de nuevas soluciones estructurales originadas en los profundos análisis efectuados por Gaudí de la geometría reglada. A ello añade el artistacatalán una gran libertad creativa y una imaginativa creación ornamental: partiendo de cierto barroquismo sus obras adquieren gran riqueza estructural, de formas y volúmenes desprovistos de rigidezracionalista o de cualquier premisa clásica.
Casa Batlló is a renowned building located in the heart of Barcelona and is one of Antoni Gaudí’s masterpieces. Casa Batlló is a remodel of a previously built house. It was redesigned in 1904 by Gaudí and has been refurbished several times after that. Casa Batlló evokes the creativity and playfulness of Gaudí’s work through the incrassate facades and creative floors. Gaudí's assistantsDomènec Sugrañes i Gras, Josep Canaletaand Joan Rubió also contributed to the renovation project.
The local name for the building is Casa dels ossos (House of Bones), as it has a visceral,skeletal organic quality. It was originally designed for a middle-class family and situated in a prosperous district of Barcelona.
The building looks very remarkable — like everything Gaudí designed, only identifiable as Modernisme or Art Nouveau in the broadest sense. The ground floor, in particular, is rather astonishing with tracery, irregular oval windows and flowing sculpted stone work.
It seems that the goal of the designer was to avoid straight lines completely. Much of thefaçade is decorated with a mosaic made of broken ceramic tiles (trencadís) that starts in shades of golden orange moving into greenish blues. The roof is arched and was likened to the back of a dragon or dinosaur. A common theory about the building is that the rounded feature to the left of centre, terminating at the top in a turret and cross, represents the lance of Saint George (patron saint of Catalonia, Gaudí's home), which has been plunged into the back of the dragon.